get a second citizenship

Citizenship is usually based on the principle of ius sanguinis and is available automatically to persons born at least from the unit of the polish parent, regardless of region of birth. Polish citizenship also happens to be granted by adoption, naturalization or restoration. The law also provides the president of poland with the right to grant citizenship to any person, no matter what, when he deems it appropriate. Although polish law does not even grant dual citizenship, polish people are willing to have dual citizenship. Article 3 of the law on polish citizenship of 2009 states that a polish person who is a citizen of another state enjoys similar rights and gives responsibility for each duty in relation to the republic of poland in the same way as any other polish citizen. In poland, the polish authorities recognize only polish citizenship, which means that another citizenship cannot be realized in the process of being in poland. Foreigners seeking polish citizenship should not avoid their citizenship abroad. When you like this article and you want to extract a lot more facts concerning, please pay a visit to our own website.

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